How do I unblock a blocked Collaborator?

Unblocking a blocked Collaborator removes their current restrictions, allowing them access to all Projects and Sessions managed by that Studio Prime account as well as all of its future Projects and Sessions.

To block one Collaborator:

  1. Log into the Studio Prime portal.
  2. Click Users. The Users page is opened to Members by default.
  3. Click Blocked Collaborators.
  4. Locate the desired Collaborator (if necessary, utilize the Search function).
  5. Use one of the following methods to unblock the desired Collaborator:

    Unblocked Collaborators are moved to Collaborators.

To block multiple Collaborators:

  1. Log into the Studio Prime portal.
  2. Click Users. The Users page is opened to Members by default.
  3. Click Blocked Collaborators.
  4. Locate the desired Collaborators (if necessary, utilize the Search function).
  5. Click Edit All.
  6. Click Unblock User for each of the desired Collaborators. Unblocked users are moved to Collaborators.